
Public Health in the Rockies Conference

Presented by:
Colorado Public Health Association (CPHA)

The purpose of the Public Health in the Rockies (PHiR) conference is to provide an opportunity for education, networking and skill development of professionals in Colorado, Wyoming, and neighboring regions. PHiR is designed to build a more competent public health workforce.

The goals of the conference are to:

  1. Provide a forum for public health professionals to develop new skills, demonstrate best practices, exchange lessons learned, share current research and discover valuable resources.
  2. Offer a multi-disciplinary conference program that encompasses the broad aspects of public health.
  3. Stimulate innovation in public health practice.
  4. Promote awareness around Colorado’s adoption of the Public Health 3.0 and Foundational Public Health Services models.
  5. Provide a meeting, discussion and networking opportunity for CPHA members, other public health interest groups, special interest groups, and new and non-traditional public health partners.

Conference attendees will consist of a wide variety of participants from the public, private and non-profit sectors, as well as the medical, academic and community settings.  The intended audience for the PHiR conference includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Behavioral health and mental health professionals
  • Community health workers and patient navigators
  • Community partners
  • Community service providers
  • Environmental health professionals
  • Epidemiologists
  • Health educators and specialists
  • Local and state public health professionals
  • Medical-legal attorneys
  • Physicians and other medical providers
  • Program coordinators and administrators
  • Public health nurses
  • Policy makers and policy professionals
  • Researchers
  • Social workers
  • Students

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