2024 Call for Abstract Reviewers

We need your expertise!

We need volunteers to review abstracts for the 2024 Public Health in the Rockies conference. As an abstract reviewer, you will:

  • Contribute to the enriching sessions that inspire and teach professionals in your field.
  • Gain experience to add to your resume.
  • Increase your knowledge about public health topics, best practices and programs.

The deadline to review abstracts has passed

Reviewing Schedule:

May 17th- May 31st- Reviews Done & Completed
June 19th- Selection Meeting

Please do not sign up to be a reviewer if you are not available between May 17th- May 31st to review abstracts

While the time commitment varies, we’ve found that volunteers typically spend one to two hours reviewing abstracts. Volunteers will be assigned up to ten abstracts. Each abstract review takes five to ten minutes to complete. The selection meeting is optional for reviewers.